Luxio on the Park
Richmond, Brighouse
- Construction
- Featured
- Presales
- 1 - 3.5 BED
- Apartment/Condo, Townhouse
- Address: 8428 Park Road, Richmond, BC
- Postal Code: V6Y 2J8
- Bed: 1 - 3.5
- Number of Floor: 6
- Number of Unit: 49
- Developer: Konic Homes and MCS Developments
- Year Built: Est. Compl. Winter/Spring 2023
- Building Name: Luxio on the Park
Children's Play Area Outdoor and Indoor Lounge BBQ Terrace Bicycle Storage Underground Parkade
Introducing Luxio on the Park, a collection of 41 urban residences and 8 luxury townhomes located in the heart of central Richmond - a cherished location with thriving metropolitan and blooming nature!
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